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CallGate is an automatic location based Gate Opener iPhone App, for gates that open by a phone call. 

Based on your GPS location, CallGate will automatically fire a notification with an action to call the relevant gate when reaching its location. 

Simply tap the notification to call and open your Gate.


CallGate uses the iPhone’s location services and is not required to run in the front nor background in order to notify you of an approaching gate. This reduces power consumption to minimum.

- Easily register all your Gates on the Map View
- Control the detection range of each Gate by setting its circular boundary radius
- A live Gates Table lists all your Gates, highlights the Gate that you are approaching and presents your distance from each Gate
- Manually call any Gate by tapping the ‘Call Gate’ button if you want to open a Gate without approaching it
- CallGate notifications are fired even if your phone display is off, allowing you to open your gate from the lock screen

You can also use CallGate to set location based reminders and call phone numbers other than gates. For example, calling your mom at a specific location on your way to work, or calling home whenever you are nearby the supermarket. 
It is recommended to set the notification locations at places where you stop your car or drive slowly since the location based notification mechanism requires to remain inside the detection region for at least 20 seconds before the notification is fired.


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How To Use CallGate

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In the Gates Locations map tab, the blue circle around the cross sign defines the GPS detection boundary. you may set it to any radius between 200 to 1,000 meters using the (-/+) stepper. 

Use the ⊕ button to register a gate (at the cross location) and then set its phone number.

Based on your GPS location, CallGate will automatically fire a notification with an action to call the relevant gate after crossing its boundary. Simply tap the notification to call your Gate phone number.
Set the CallGate App notification style to Alerts to allow the notification to stay on your screen without going away automatically. (Settings - Notifications - CallGate App - ALERT STYLE - select Alerts).

You must move away from the boundary into the circular region by a minimum distance (~100m) and remain at that distance for at least 15 seconds before the notifications is fired. You should set your gates boundaries to meet this requirement.

If you are already inside the region of a gate at registration time, the notification will not be fired.

You may register as many gates as you want, but iPhone limits to 20 the number of gates that may be simultaneously monitored by a single app. Therefore only 20 gates could be enabled for notification based on location detection.

If your location is inside one of the gates circular region, this gate will be highlighted in the Gates Table. 

You can manually call any of your gates in the Gates Table by tapping the ‘Call Gate’ button.

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